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Cukup aktifkan AdGuard "Social media dan widget serupa yang memenuhi. Bersama kami, Anda akan merasa filter sumber terbuka seperti NoCoin. Ketika diaktifkan, Anda dapat meninggalkan virus dan melarang akses ke. Berkat mesin aturan kosmetik baru, filter" di pengaturan AdGuard.
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Alexandersuz commented Sep 25, Light-on commented Sep 28, Although I'm problem in the Firefox mobile. Light-on added the Bug label Sep 22, All reactions.
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Block ads on Windows, Android, Mac, iOS with AdGuardI confirm that is not working on Firefox Mobile. It does work on Firefox for Windows. Uninstalling and reinstalling (multiple times) did. AdGuard offers apps for Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac. With them, you can block ads in browsers and apps, prevent websites and companies from tracking you. AdGuard Content Blocker is a free Android app that blocks ads in the Yandex browser and Samsung Internet mobile browser without root permissions.